(En) Nutritions

(En) Components
(En) Per 100g
(En) Caloric
(En) 895,1 kcal
(En) Protein
(En) 0 g
(En) Carbohydrates
(En) 0 g
(En) Fats
(En) 99 g
(En) Omega 9
(En) 37,0 g
(En) Omega 3
(En) 1,0 g
(En) Omega 6
(En) 44,0 g
(En) Saturated fatty acids
(En) 18,0 g
(En) vitamin E (mg/kg)
(En) 5,15

(En) Benefits


  • It has a pleasant nutty flavor and odor, yellow-gold color.
  • Peanut oil has a high content of unsaturated fatty acids. Oil normalizes blood pressure and blood cholesterol index has a positive effect on metabolism.
  • 100 grams of oil contains about 23 mgr of vitamin E. This vitamin has a positive effect on klitynotvorennya, strengthens the immune system and has anti-inflammatory action.
  • The high content of B vitamins and vitamin K.
  • Because peanut butter is not only delicious and flavorful, but also healthy
(En) Usage

(En) Culinary and cosmetic use

  • It has a high boiling point and is a great way to obzharennya and deep-frying.
  • Used for the manufacture of margarine.
  • Often pryminyma for salads and fresh vegetables
  • For skin care infants and young children.
  • It is a useful tool for the care of dry volos’yam and reduces dandruff.
  • There is a good ingredient for massage oils and oils for bathing.
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